When filling out the forms below, do not use the back button in your browser window to go back a page and make edits. Please proceed through the rest of the form, to complete your registration and contact us to notify us of any changes or updates you’d like to make.

Registrant Details Vehicle Details Terms & Conditions Payment Details






  1. Absolutely no commercial activity will be permitted within the designated vehicle area by car show registrants,
    with the sole exception being promotion of sanctioned Car Clubs and official exhibitors.

  2. NO For-Sale signs in, on, or around vehicles; No selling goods or services; & No promoting businesses whether it be for-profit or non-profit.

  3. > Vehicles must be in top form, clean, and in typical “show and shine” presentability.
  4. > Participants are responsible to keep allotted display area free of garbage and all other obstructions; and must not infringe on display area of fellow participants.
  5. > Be respectful of all ECCA Ltd employees, Facility (7 Chiefs Sportsplex) employees, any voluneers , & Third Party Vendors; and also to fellow attendees.
  6. > Handbrakes must be applied, automatics in park, manuals in gear.
  7. > Safety and care of personal property is paramount.
  8. > Inability to abide by rules as stated may result in a verbal notification of infraction and/or dismissal from the premises.

No burn-outs, speeding, or stunting will be permitted whatsoever.

Please be courteous and safe!

I, the attendee, agree to insure my vehicle against loss, damage, and liability. I understand that accidents may occur from time to time and agree to assume the risk that damage and/or injury may occur either to personal property or myself and/or others as a result of my attendance and participation at the ECCA Ltd. 2024 Fall Round Up. I indemnify and hold harmless any and all staff, officers, directors, and agents of Enthusiast Collector Car Auction Ltd. (ECCA), and Seven Chiefs Sportsplex, and Tsuut'ina Nation in the case that such damage and/or injury should occur as a result of my participation. By entering my vehicle and signing below, I agree that I have read and agree to all rules and terms listed above and agree to release of all liability.



Same as Mailing Address
Please provide your name exactly as it appears on your card.
This is the three digit number on the back of your card.


If you have any problems with your submission please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you