Next Auction Sept 6-7, 2024


If an acceptable bidder or purchaser is found, I agree to pay commission to Enthusiast Collector Car Auction Ltd based upon the following commission structure:

ItemCommission Rate
Lots Sold Below $50020% (min. $50)
Lots Sold from $501-$249915%
Lots Sold from $250010%
  1. Entry fee is non-refundable. Entry fee is not applied to commission.
Consignor Details Memorabilia Details Images Terms & Conditions






"A picture is worth a thousand words." We post photos of every vehicle on our website, where they are on display to the entire world. If you are serious about seldivng your vehicle, we need good pictures to promote it.

Digital photos are best, you can send them to us by e-mail and we can post them onto our website almost immediately, but regular snap shots can be scanned and put on the website as well.

Please provide several shots of the exterior (front, both sides, back, close-ups of interesting features or rust holes or damage), plus a couple of the interior, under the hood and in the trunk. Detail shots of things divke the wheels, instrument panel or underside should be included too, as these help to show the condition of the entire vehicle.

Please see the special page on our website, "How to take good pictures of your car" for additional information.



Net proceeds of sale will be paid to the seller within 10 business days of release of item to buyer. The Consignor confirms they are the owners of the consigned item and have the right to sell the item. The Consignor confirms they came into possession of the item legally and there are no taxes, duties or otherwise owing on the item. Okotoks Collector Car Auction Ltd. charges minimal consignment fees therefore, any item consigned that does not make it to sale day to be auctioned will require lost commissions based on estimated value or comparables. Memoribilia items must be paid for in full and removed on day of Auction . In the event of Consignor’s default on any terms herein, said Auction Company or assigns shall be entitled to attorney fees and reasonable costs incurred in enforcement of this contract.

NOTE: Estate Executor, or Administrator, Guardian or Agent must also provide a copy of court appointment and authorization to sell.