If an edit is required, please proceed through the rest of the form, to complete your registration and contact us to notify us of any changes or updates you’d like to make.


If an acceptable bidder or purchaser is found, I agree to pay commission to Enthusiast Collector Car Auction Ltd based upon the following commission structure. (click below to view commission rates)

Consignment fee is non-refundable. Consignment fee is not applied to commission.

ItemCommission RateMinimum Commission
No ReservePlus 4%$500
With ReservePlus 6%$500


All sales are final, no refunds or returns.

Upload your Vehicle photos here.

Please use this quick and easy method to upload all of your consignment vehicle photos at once!

  1. Simply click the button below.
  2. Browse to find your images on your computer.
  3. Or drag and drop the photos into the window available.

You can do this before or after you complete the Registration Form below.

Consignor Details Vehicle Details Vehicle Condition Images Terms & Conditions Payment Details





The auctioneer will use the information you provide to describe your vehicle during the auction. As well, we will use this information to describe your vehicle in detail on our website. The earlier this we have this information, plus photos of your vehicle, the longer it will be advertised on our website.

If you have supporting documentation that helps describe your vehicle's strong points, be sure to bring this to the auction to show prospective buyers. This includes receipts for new parts, restoration or repair work; original sales documents or proof of past owners or past use; independent insurance appraisal reports; historical photos, etc.

If Title is not Clean please email explanation to Your consigment will not be processed without it.

OCCA reserves the right to place vehicles on either sale day as it sees fit.


Vehicles will be accepted with a reserve price, provided that it is considered fair and reasonable by the consignee. The reserve, if any, must be stated in this contract. The reserve cannot be raised once the vehicle is accepted, but may be lowered at the time of sale.

CONSIGNOR MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN INSURANCE, IF THEY WISH THEIR VEHICLE TO BE COVERED. Insurance should be maintained until consignor receives sales proceeds. Risk of loss is with the consignor.

Reserve Price payout will be the Sold price less the Auction Commission. If the seller lifts the Reserve Price, the Commission rate is unchanged unless otherwise noted by Auction official.

NO RESERVE - Once a vehicle is consigned and posted as NO RESERVE it may not be changed to have a Reserve.

$ (if no reserve, indicate NO RESERVE)



Please write well worded, complete descriptions WITH punctuation – NO CAPS LOCK!. Only properly written descriptions will be included.


PHOTOS - Please upload photos using link on main Register your Vehicle page - Click NEXT below to continue

"A picture is worth a thousand words." We post photos of every vehicle on our website, where they are on display to the entire world. If you are serious about selling your vehicle, we need good pictures to promote it.

Digital photos are best. Use the UPLOAD button on the first page of this registration when you have COMPLETED these forms. Please click NEXT to continue now. Alternatively, you can send them to us by e-mail and we can post them onto our website almost immediately. Regular snap shots can be scanned and put on the website as well, please contact us if this is required.

Please provide several shots of the exterior (front, both sides, back, close-ups of interesting features or rust holes or damage), plus a couple of the interior, under the hood and in the trunk. Detail shots of things like the wheels, instrument panel or underside should be included too, as these help to show the condition of the entire vehicle.



The consigned vehicle has been registered with the Enthusiast Collector Car Auction (ECCA) Ltd. ECCA will represent, advertise, and auction the vehicle in good faith. You have now commissioned us to be your agent in the sale of the vehicle until which time our event is over. If the vehicle described within this contract is sold or exchanged within 60 days prior to this event, but after being posted on website, a minimum $500.00 NO SHOW fee will be charged. Should the same vehicle have appeared in our brochure and or other marketing materials, a minimum $1000 NO SHOW fee will be charged to the Consignor. You agree that you will not consign a vehicle and then sell I before the event. You agree to not take out any further advertising yourself, even if you mention the car will be in our sale. Any documents mentioned or included in the sale must accompany the vehicle to complete the transaction.

If the vehicle described herein is sold to anyone made aware of the vehicle after the event or to anyone that was made aware of the vehicle via Auction marketing, the consignor agrees to pay all lost fees and commissions to ECCA Ltd. This includes lost buyers’ fees. Written authorization from ECCA ltd is required to avoid such fees.

Consignor represents and warrants that he/she has the right to consign and sell the vehicle and that its title documents are free and clear from all liens, unless otherwise stated herein. Any lien held against any vehicle will require a letter from the lien holder stating the lien amount and that the lien will be released once net auction proceeds have been supplied. The consignor agrees to make up the difference in proceeds against the lien within 1 week should there be any. Any estate sales require appropriate legal documents authorizing the consignor to sell vehicle – example – Power of Attorney, ownership transfer.

Insurance coverage is required on all vehicles for Personal Liability or Property Damage. Displaying your vehicle is done so at your own risk and you may present the vehicle open for viewing or locked up. By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you indemnify and hold harmless ECCA Ltd for any possible damage sustained.

The consigned vehicle must have any title declarations made as in Rebuilt Status, Salvage Title or any insurance claim over $3000 declared on the consignment form. Mileage must be accurately acknowledged or “True Mileage Unknown” used in the event the mileage is undocumented or unknown.

Should the vehicle get sold at Auction and then enter into a dispute whereby it has been deemed the vehicle was misrepresented in anyway, (i.e. numbers did not match when suggested they did, undeclared accident history, significant mechanical or structural issues), and the sale is overturned, the consignor agrees to an administration and advertising fee of $500 to ECCA Ltd., and or any legal fees incurred resolving the dispute. Describe your vehicle carefully. Read your submission once posted to correct any errors Vehicles presented at the Venue must be brought to the event between 9 am and 4 pm Friday Sep 6th, 2024.

Unsold vehicles need to be removed by 6pm Monday Sep 9th. All payouts for Sold inventory will be sent within 7-10 Business days to the address and Owner named in this registration form.

Note: Estate Executor, or Administrator, Guardian or Agent must also provide a copy of court appointment and authorization to sell.

Sellers may not bid or have agents bid on their own vehicles.

Should the live viewing component of the Auction not take place for any reason, the actual Auction portion will proceed and bidding will commence regardless of timing adjustments or venue. No refunds.

The auction vehicles will be displayed inside rain or shine. ECCA management and/or facilities management reserves the right to place or move a vehicle outside for display for any reason due to, but not limited to, safety concerns; fire regulations; fluid leaks; etc.



Same as Mailing Address
Please provide your name exactly as it appears on your card.
This is the three digit number on the back of your card.


If you have any problems with your submission please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you