1988 Mercedes Benz 560SL
- Lot#
- With Reserve
Vehicle Details
- Make:
- Mercedes Benz
- Model:
- 560SL
- Year:
- 1988
- Serial Number:
- WDBBA4802JA075281
- Odometer:
- 52,400. Kms
- Top Colour:
- Black Soft / Red Har
- Interior Colour:
- Black
- Body Colour:
- Signal Red
- Body Style:
- R107
- Engine Size:
- 5.6 litre
- Transmission:
- Automatic
- Rebuilt or salvage title:
- yes
- Last province registered:
- Alberta
Price: $
General Overall Condition
- Engine
- Very Good
- Transmission
- Very Good
- Body
- Very Good
- Paint
- Very Good
- Convertible Top
- Very Good
- Seat Upholstery
- Very Good
- Other Interior
- Very Good
- Instruments / Gauges
- Very Good
- Electrical System
- Very Good
- Suspension
- Very Good
- Exhaust
- Very Good
- Tires
- Very Good
- Frame chassis
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Driver Airbag, working radio c/w cassette, fog lights, original tools and medical kit, car cover and hard top cover and trolley, remote passenger mirror, heated seats.
INTERESTING / IMPORTANT VEHICLE HISTORY AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS:Third owner, never winter driven, always kept in garage. The car is in excellent condition. Everything works. No surprises.
ANY ADDITIONAL PARTS, ACCESSORIES OR DOCUMENTS TO BE INCLUDED WITH SALE:Factory tool kit, first aid kit, New Pirelli tires with less than 5,000 kms. 50,000 km inspection / service done by Lonestar in April 2016. $2,900 spent for service and parts.